Dear Give Children Hope Sponsors and Friends,

It’s finally May and the school has given the students a two-week vacation to give way to the activities regarding the national and local elections in the Philippines.

With the restrictions still at ease, we hope that the kids will have a fun time spending the vacation with their families and friends. The school calendar for this year only has until June 24 so we are just a month and a few weeks away from the official school vacation.

We are thankful for your all your help and we are looking forward to the coming back of the Meals at School when the country allows more students to go to school face-to-face.

And on behalf of all the sponsored children, here are the letters sent by Alcris and Sundria, held up by their mom for all the sponsors and volunteers of Give Children Hope.

To Mr & Mrs Agawin,
Thank you for helping get the feeding to us. The feeding wont be able to reach us if not for your help. Thank you and we love you.
From Sundria

To Mr & Mrs Agawin,
Thank you. I hope you’ll be able to help more people. You do all your best to assist us while still caring for your family. Thank and I love you.
From Alcris

For the sponsored children,

Kristina Lou Calidayan Sunico-Nobles
Give Children Hope Volunteer
Former Give Children Hope sponsored child