Sua Elementary School

Meals at School Program

2017-12-05T09:53:13-08:00November 27th, 2012|Sua Elementary School|

Here is a recent photo of the food being served to the children of Sua Elementary School. As you can see, the children and parents alike seem to be working together and spirits seem to be high because of the warm meals daily that keep the students from going hungry. The school continues to report great [...]

Boxes of Donated Goods Have Arrived!

2017-12-05T09:52:16-08:00September 10th, 2012|Sua Elementary School|

Mid-August, the students at Sua Elementary School were thrilled to find boxes and boxes of donated goods that had arrived just for them. These boxes contained school supplies, books, dishes, shoes, clothes and many other important items. Our representative, Don Cooper and his wife and many friends, were responsible for putting this all together and our [...]

Family Day at Sua Elementary School

2017-12-05T09:44:30-08:00December 16th, 2011|Sua Elementary School|

December 15th, 2011 marked the day of celebration for the student's families. We are so happy that the families were able to meet together and enjoy themselves this special day. There was great food available, presents for those attending, and a great production put on by the talented children and their families. Happy Family Day Sua [...]

Good News From Sua

2017-12-05T09:43:23-08:00October 26th, 2011|Sua Elementary School|

Dear Give Children Hope, I was in Sua Elementary School early yesterday morning. It was a beautiful sunny day. Since it was a Monday, I got to attend their flag ceremony. I told the Principal, Mrs. Cordez, that we will be giving them a 3 month extension of the "Meals @ School Program" in Sua. She [...]

Family Day at Sua Elementary School

2017-12-05T09:43:56-08:00September 30th, 2011|Sua Elementary School|

This letter was forwarded to us by Helen, our Sua Elementary School representative. We have been asked to fund the cost of a Family Day held at the school. We feel this is an important celebration because families are of key importance, and we especially want our sponsored children to enjoy the blessing of having loved [...]

A Letter About Sua Elementary School

2017-12-05T09:41:41-08:00September 5th, 2011|Sua Elementary School|

Dear Give Children Hope, I was on my way to visit Sua Elementary School last Thursday... I left the house at 6:30 am. Sheryl and I, with her youngest son Andrei (age 5), went together to Sua. We rode a tricycle with all the things needed for the Meals @ School program. When we arrived, some [...]

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